Please read the following before you decide to register.
Dear all, Some more places are now available.
Please note these points before registering.
- Moodlecloud is not free. Moodlecloud is a paid platform, and so is Until it is live, it will attract a one-time £20 fee.
- Moodlecloud will be considered live after the Spring 2025 examination. It is still incomplete.
- After the Spring 2025 part 2 exam is complete, all members will be deregistered and asked to re-register if they still need access to this website. It will attract a new yearly fee (Moodlecloud has a yearly fee).
- I will not enrol anyone who is not preparing for the exam. This is to allow those who need it the most.
- I reserve the right to decline an application. See below what information you must provide me.
- Please note I reserve the right to deregister you. It will be done in cases like spam, inappropriate site use, or any other behaviour I deem inappropriate.
- There are technical issues like download - I am unable to change it as it is platform-specific (Moodle)
If you agree:
Payment link: Scan/click.
- Register – go to > login > make an account > approve the account from your email
- Once registered, please email me at with your
– Name
– Where are you working, and in what capacity?
– Which exam part do you plan, and when do you intend to take it?
– The phone number you intend to use for WhatsApp.
I shall enrol you as soon as I can. However, it may take up to 24 hours (if I am at work or do not have access to the net immediately). If you do not see any module after you log in after 24 hours – please email me.
If I didn't send you the WhatsApp link - email me.
***Please DO NOT use site support requests. I cannot reply to you. Email me directly.****
Once you have access, you can go to "My courses" (see the top of the screen). You will find your modules there. You can use a tablet or mobile. The website to register is and not
Current status